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CACHACA OLD FASHIONED A simple cocktail that swaps out the bourbon traditionally used in this classic American drink for cachaca, a Brazilian sugarcane spirit.


A simple cocktail that swaps out the bourbon traditionally used in this classic American drink for cachaca, a Brazilian sugarcane spirit.

2 ounce cachaca

1/4 ounce demerara simple syrup*

2 dashes vanilla bitters

Combine ingredients over ice in a cocktail shaker and stir well. Strain into a rocks glass over ice.

*Simple syrup made with demerara, an unrefined brown sugar.


This equal-parts drink is a variation on the Waterlily, itself a variation on the classic Corpse Reviver. The Italian amaro Meletti provides a distinctive violet-like touch.

3/4 ounce Plymouth Navy Strength Gin

3/4 ounce Meletti

3/4 ounce dry Curacao

3/4 ounce fresh lemon juice

Combine ingredients over ice in a cocktail shaker and shake vigorously. Fine-strain into a coupe glass and serve up.