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Bernie Parent: What are your values?

With all of the negativity in the media lately, I think it's a great time for all of us to take a breath of fresh air and get back to our core values. There's no question that there is an inescapable void of moral standards in today's society, which is why there is no better time than now to take inventory in ourselves, discover the things that hold great significance to us, and give back to the world.

Personal values give us structure and a foundation to follow. They are always changing. Your values from five years ago may not reflect your values today, and that's okay. We should use them as a way to improve and reflect on ourselves.

Values also come in handy in decision-making. The things that you believe in will undoubtedly help you to make the right decisions on this road called life. It's quite simple. If I encounter something that makes me uncomfortable and interferes with my values or threatens to compromise them, it's a wrong decision.

My values include:

  1. Health. If I don't have my health, then nothing else matters. Take care of yourself first so you're able to fulfill the rest of your values for others.

  2. Love and Happiness. I'm not talking about an intimate relationship. I'm talking about loving in general. Loving people. Loving everything in life. Loving the cards you've been dealt. Share that love and happiness with others with a smile, a kind word, a hug, all without judgment.

  3. Family. There is nothing greater in life than having a loving support system around you. Build a family that is strong enough to hold you up when you're down and vise versa. Give to them and ask nothing in return.

  4. Relationships/Friendships. The beauty in relationships and friendships alike is that we have the ability to choose the people to compliment our lives. Choose the right people for you. Surround yourself with people whose values reflect and compliment yours. Can your relationships use some improvement? Ask YOURSELF how YOU can improve your relationship.

To better help you define your values, think about what's important to you RIGHT NOW. Whether you value your career, spirituality, friendships, financial stability, among thousands of other things, allow these values to guide you down the right path. Maybe today your family is your number one priority, but tomorrow it may be your career. Maybe your values from a few years ago are no longer of service to you; get some new ones! Whatever it is, don't stop looking for it. Your values define the questions, but only you have the answers.