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The dangers of phones and other devices in flight

It's been awhile since we visited the topic of using cell phones and other electronic devices on airline flights. On some foreign airlines and in some countries, using the devices above 10,000 feet is allowed, but not in the U.S., where regulators still believe they could disrupt senstive instruments in airliner cockpits. The most recent study we've seen on the potential problems was a report done for the International Air Transport Association and first made public last week.

We see no mention in this report of the air rage that would almost certainly break out on U.S. carriers if cell phone calls were allowed in flight and passengers engaged in the standard boorish behavior we see elsewhere when it comes to phone use in public. Common behavior of phone talkers, and fear of what it could mean in midair, is the primary reason flight attendants have adamantly opposed any change in the U.S. regulations.

Any thoughts on cell phones in flight?