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Rain, for seven days in May

With this morning's showers, measurable rain has fallen on seven consecutive days; your grass has noticed.

Our reign of rain began modestly in Philadelphia last Saturday, and today officially makes it a solid week of wetness.

If you're wondering why flooding hasn't been more widespread, the answers lied in the facts that the timing of the rains has been well-spaced, and the downpours have lacked ubiquity.

Over the seven days, only about 1.5 inches has been measured at Philadelphia International Airport, despite some impressive mini-deluges in parts of the region.

The reign looks to end tomorrow, at least based on the forecasts, and that means this particular streak won't threaten the record of 12 consecutive days of measureable rainfall, set back in September 1889.

While the region has avoided significant flooding this time around, it hasn't avoided significant grass growth.

Showers are at least possible later Sunday, but before then expect the roar of the mowers to fill the drying air during the weekend.