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Worst 'Family Feud' answers ever, per Steve Harvey

Family Feud host Steve Harvey shared some of his "favorite bad answers" on NBC's Late Night With Seth Meyers.

But, no, these are not the dumbest answers ever.

First Harvey mentioned the classic response to "Name something a burglar would not want to see when he breaks into a house."

"NAKED GRANDMA!" a contestant named Rod hollers.

"HUH?" Harvey said on the quiz show. "I know you're right ... but what are the chances?"

The answer was scored correct, as a match for "GUN / OCCUPANT."

Neither was the Harvey's next favorite answer totally mindless, even it was given by a contestant who rapped under the name Lunatic.

Harvey read him the clue, "Name something that follows the word pork," and "Tic" said, "upine," as in porcupine. The host froze in shock, then went into total mockery mode.

"He actuallyl set black people back 200 years. We didn't need this answer," Harvey told Meyers.

Harvey also recounted the time a women needed only 18 points among five answers in the Fast Money round, and she totally whiffed. As in, scored zero.

What viewers didn't see, Harvey told Meyers, is that "her sister walked past her and said, "On no, this bitch didn't," disrupting filming for 30 minutes.

It was a "horrific" experience. "This ain't Jeopardy! We actually want you to win," Harvey said.

No doubt Harvey could have mentioned many more flubs and foul-ups if given time.

Like the woman who said, "Black," in response to "Name something you know about zombies."

Or the pastor who answered "Their breast" to "What's something women like to squeeze?"

When teammates clapped and said, "Good answer," Harvey flipped. "NO, IT"S NOT A GOOD ANSWER," he said. " Listen to this question, 'What's something WOMEN like to squeeze?' NOT YOU!"

Not surprisingly, there's a fair share of mistakes involving illogic (as if the contestant misheard the question) or misinformation.

Like: The college student who said "Read" in response to "Name something that's hard to do with your eyes open."

Like: "Jose" for "Give me a boy's name that starts with the letter H."

Like "Scantily clad" for a synonym for "naked."

Like: "Miami" for "Name a U.S. state that borders an ocean."

"Miami" (twice) and "Los Angeles" (once) were both offered as states in a single Fast Money round.

But even those aren't the dumbest answers.

The most amazing oversights on Family Feud are when two entire families, who supposedly have studied the show, forget how many questions are set up to suggest raunchy (and funny) answers involving body parts or bodily functions.

Sometimes it's just way too obvious, as on a show rebroadcast Wednesday on the CW in Philadelphia.

The question, simply, was "What was white balls?"

Nobody came up with No. 6, the top one shown in the right column:

Contact staff writer Peter Mucha at 215-854-4342 or Follow @petemucha on Twitter.