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12 percent of Romney voters think all cats should live in the woods

Earlier this month, Public Policy Polling released the results of their poll of 603 voters on their feelings about pets and animals.

Earlier this month, Public Policy Polling released the results of their poll of 603 voters on their feelings about pets and animals. For some reason, they decided to crosstab the answers to the pet questions with info about who people voted for in the 2012 presidential election, and their ideological leanings. All those answers are seemingly unrelated, but result in gems like these:

- Romney voters and Obama voters agree that cat owners are weirder than dog owners in almost equal numbers. Finally, something we can all agree on!

- Almost twice as many Obama voters think that black cats are bad luck than Romney voters.

- Almost half the people polled are unsure if a cat or a dog would make a better president.

- Most Obama voters are scared of snakes. Sharks are the scariest animal for Romney voters. Neither find wolves particularly frightening.

- Most Romney voters think a shark could beat a bear in a fight. Most Obama voters disagree.

- Nobody wants a hippo for Christmas. [Public Policy Polling]