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Goal-Oriented: 10 benefits of resistance band training

I recently gave a survey to clients that I have trained in the past asking them, “What are some of the biggest challenges you face when it comes to sticking to a training plan?”

I recently gave a survey to clients that I have trained in the past asking them, "What are some of the biggest challenges you face when it comes to sticking to a training plan?"

The number one reason why people fail to stick to a plan, according to this survey, was their inability to find the time to exercise.

After reviewing the results I can't say that I was surprised. Our lives are busy. Between parenthood, work, school, social obligations as well as the stressors of daily life it can be difficult to find the time to fit in training.

This week I would like to share with you one of my favorite ways to train if you are pressed for time. This type of training is fantastic for both athletes as well as people looking to lose some fat. The type of training I am talking about is resistance band training. I was introduced to this type of training a few years ago from Dave Schmitz of

As a parent of three children I have limited time to train so I was looking for some new ideas when it came to my own training. I enjoy lifting weights as well as running, but I was looking for something that could offer both the benefits of strength training as well as provide a metabolic training effect. That is when I came across some videos showing the benefits of resistance band training. After watching several videos from Dave I decided to purchase my own set of bands to give this type of workout a try.

After a couple of workouts I was instantly drawn to this type of training. I immediately saw the endless ways that you could incorporate resistance band training into your own program. I also began to feel more athletic with this type of training.  The bands that I was using are not your ordinary bands that you see at the gym with plastic handles and thin tubing. These bands are of the highest quality and they offer a training effect that, if you have never used them, will challenge even the best of athletes.

After using the bands for a few weeks I realized that this type of training offers the following benefits. Click the link below to watch the videos for each exercise:

1. The benefits of strength training without having to go to the gym every day.

2. The ability to train at your house, track or park.

Video: Band assisted push up

3. You can perform multi-joint strength training movements with just one band.

Video: Band squat and row

4.  Fantastic tool for total body power training.

Video: Band front squat

5. Bands offer several ways to incorporate metabolic training into your program.

Video: Band Mt Climber

6. Easy on the joints.

7. Instead of sitting down on a piece of equipment you can perform exercises while standing which will force you to learn to stabilize and move more efficiently.

Video: Band chest press (split stance)

8. A wonderful tool to teach young kids (as well as adults) to learn to decelerate and then accelerate properly.

Video: Band lateral step and decelerate

9. Offers the best way to do pull-ups if you are unable to currently do pull-ups. Video link:

Video: Band pull ups

10. Tremendous tool to use if you need to work on your mobility and flexibility.

Video: Band single leg lowering

Resistance band training offers so many benefits to both athletes as well as weekend warriors. However, like any form of training it's a "tool in your tool box." I still love lifting weights and doing other types of training.

But resistance bands offer a nice change of pace. If you are pressed for time adding resistance bands into your training can offer some unique challenges to your training. If you are just getting started I would recommend that your start off with a single band training package.

Good luck with your training and if you have any questions or comments feel free to send me an e-mail at

Kevin Miller is the strength and conditioning coach for the Philadelphia Union. For more on Miller and the Union, visit

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