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Fixing faulty form: The head-to-toe runner’s guide

Does your form need fixing? If you are hitting the marathon trail this fall, prevent injuries and make the most of your training by carving out some time to tailor your tread.  While running may look like a lower body exercise, total body alignment is key to safely and effectively completing any course. Whether you are running the Rocky 10K on Nov. 10, or competing in the Philadelphia Marathon on Nov. 20, get a step ahead of the pack with this stride sharpening checklist.

Head & Shoulders.  Before you start your sprint, take a deep breath.  Doing so relaxes and releases tension from the shoulders, opens the throat to improve breathing, and helps promote better posture.  To prevent back, neck and shoulder strain, keep an eye on your gaze.  Look ahead at the horizon and avoid hunching over to look at your feet.

Strong-Arm.  Knowing how to pump your arms properly can make all the difference in the speed and power of your run.  If you are guilty of wildly flapping your wings like you're doing "The Twist," with Chubby Checker, it's time to tweak your tempo and technique.

Think of your body as a vessel breaking through the air.  In order to be aerodynamic, the arms must glide back and forth, rather than across the body.  Swinging the arms across the body puts pressure on the lower-back as your torso and hips twist with your stride.

A Load Off Your Feet.  You must find your footing if you want to rule your run.  To prevent too much pressure on the ankles and knees, strike the ground softly at the midpoint of the foot, and roll off the toes.  If your tread sounds like King Kong, stomping through the streets of Manhattan, you are pounding the pavement too hard.  Cheetahs, one of the fastest animals on the planet, are quick and quiet when catching their prey - try to channel your inner Cheetah.

Go the distance by fixing faults in your form.

Earn it.

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