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20-minute total body conditioning workout

Do you find yourself hitting the snooze button every five minutes in the morning, leaving no time to get a quick sweat session in before work? Is time the limiting factor that prevents you from exercising? Luckily, I've crafted a body-scorching workout that is efficiently designed for you to gain maximum results in under 20 minutes (warm-up and cool-down not included).

The exercises below target multiple muscle groups that help burn fat, build lean muscle, improve endurance and flexibility. These exercises and will also give you increased energy to tackle the start of a bright new year. You can do this routine either at the gym or at home.

Equipment needed:
1) two small towels
2) two filled water bottles
3) mat
4) luggage

WARM-UP (2 minutes total)

1) High knees jogging in place (1 min.)

2) Toe Touches: (1 min.)

CIRCUIT #1 (4 minutes, 30 seconds total)

1) Sliding Towel Mountain Climbers (45 seconds)
Targets: Butt/Hips, Full Body/Integrated, Legs/Thighs

  1. Begin in a plank position with each foot positioned on a small towel.

  2. Create a strong core by flexing the transverse abdominals before driving one knee forward while keeping the other leg fully extended.

  3. Rapidly switch legs to create a "climbing" movement.

2) Inchworm/Walk Out (1 min.)
Targets: Abs, Arms, Back, Chest, Shoulders, Full Body/Integrated

  1. Stand tall with your legs extended straight.

  2. Bend over from the hips and touch the floor with your palms flat on the floor.

  3. Keep your legs straight as you walk your hands as far forward as you can. Don't let your hips sag.

  4. Take small steps and walk your feet to your hands.

  5. Continue for the desired amount of time left and then straighten up to the starting position.

{Rest 30 seconds. Repeat circuit again.}

CIRCUIT #2 (7 minutes)

1) Stationary Forward Lunge: 8-15 reps on each side (1 min.)
Targets: Hip Extensors, Gluteal Muscles, Hamstrings, Quadriceps

2) Warrior Plank (2 min.)
Targets: Abdominals, Hips, Butt, Obliques

  1. Begin lying on the floor on one side.

  2. Prop the body up onto the forearm and keep the feet stacked; engage the core.

  3. Keep the head, shoulders, hips, knees and heels in alignment.

  4. Brace the core to achieve balance and lift the right leg into the air.

  5. Reach overhead with the left arm.

  6. To increase the difficulty of this exercise, balance on the hand instead of forearm.

  7. Hold for 45 to 60 seconds before switching sides.

{Rest 30 seconds. Repeat circuit again.}

CIRCUIT #3 (3 minutes)

1) Water Bottle Jumping Jacks (30 seconds)
Offers cardiorespiratory and calorie-burning benefits rather than strength developments.

  1. Hold a water bottle in each hand and perform traditional jumping jacks.

2) Water Bottle Russian Twists (30 seconds)
Targets: Abdominals, Obliques

  1. Find the sit-bone and lean back to find balance.

  2. Slowly raise the feet off the floor to keep integrity throughout the core.

  3. Hold onto the water bottle and slowly begin to rotate to the right and left, while keeping the head aligned with the spine, the shoulders back and the arms elevated.

  4. Follow the movement with the eyes to challenge the obliques by maximizing the range of motion.

  5. Adjust the load by holding the water bottle farther away from the body.

{Rest 30 seconds. Repeat circuit again.}

CIRCUIT #4 (5 minutes)

1) Superman (1 min.)
Targets: Erector Spinae

  1. Lie face down on a mat with your arms stretched above your head

  2. Raise your right arm and left leg about 5-6 inches off the ground (or as far as you comfortably can).

  3. Hold for 3 seconds and relax.

  4. Repeat with the opposite arm and leg for one minute.

2) V-sit up (1 min)
Targets: Abdominals, Obliques, Hip Flexors

  1. Begin in a seated position on the floor, contract your abdominal muscles and core, and lift your legs up to a 45-degree angle.

  2. Reach your arms forward, while maintaining good core posture and a strong spine.

  3. Hold this "V" position for several seconds to begin. As you get stronger, hold the position longer.

  4. Return to your starting position slowly but just before you reach the floor, stop and hold the position for a few seconds.

{Rest 30 seconds. Repeat circuit again.}

COOL-DOWN (5 minutes)

1) Cobra
Hold position for 20-30 seconds, return to a comfortable resting position; rest 30 seconds, repeat stretch 1-2 more times.

2)  Supine Hip Flexor Stretch
Hold stretch for 15-30 seconds, switch legs, and repeat. Complete 2 sets of this exercise on each leg.

3)  Standing Quadricep Stretch
Hold for 15-30 seconds, switch legs, and repeat. Complete 2 sets of this exercise on each leg.

4) Child's pose
Hold for 30-60 seconds to rest, restore, and rejuvenate.

Congratulations and cheers to a healthier, active and new you in 2016!

Read more Sports Doc for Sports Medicine and Fitness.