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Day 1 of the Sexy Single Photo Shoot

Mmm, breathe in the saltwater…and the hairspray. Today kicks off the sixth Sexy Single photo shoot where ten out of a total 30 singles primped, prepped and posed for a photo spread, which will appear in the Daily News in July.

Mmm, breathe in the saltwater…and the hairspray. Today kicks off the sixth Sexy Single photo shoot where ten out of a total 30 singles primped, prepped and posed for a photo spread appearing in the Daily News later this summer.

I walked into the Trump Taj Mahal today for the shoot and was immediately greeted by color changing chandeliers, elaborate fountains and the slow  shuffle of Tuesday afternoon casino goers.

The shoot, which runs through Thursday, is based at the casino which spans such a large chunk of the boardwalk, I burned off lunch walking back to the parking garage.

Now, as an editorial intern, when it comes to photo shoots, I'm a newbie. (Newbie being a euphemism for clueless). But I'm pretty sure day one came and went with surprising ease. No major wardrobe disasters. No model meltdowns…yet.

A brigade of hair stylists, make up artists, fashion consultants and photographers crowded inside our small room charged with the task of making the sexy even sexier.

I'm not allowed to give you the names of the 30 singles who were chosen by the editorial staff last week. (You'll have to wait until they're revealed in the Daily News) But I can say there's quite a range. From Maxim model mom to TV reporter, radio personality to state trooper.

And they are hot. I was skeptical at first—nobody looks like their mail-in picture, afterall. But some of these people look even better then the photos they sent us. We're talking uncontrollable-gawking-provoked attractive.

Today's ten went from hair to makeup to wardrobe to an individual video interview and then finally to their photo location.

The senior citizens here to gamble don't know what's going on. I overheard one explaining to her friend that we were shooting that "Country's Best Model show."

The lesson for today was that beauty can come at a painful price. One single had to freeze her bikini-clad butt off on the 50-degree, overcast Atlantic City beach.

Another came in despite a badly bruised upper lip. (Apparently lip collagen and five hours of football don't mix well.)

But everyone made it out alive and seems ready to move (fashion) forward tomorrow.

-Julia Terruso