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40 city schools positions restored

The $45 million in state money released by Gov. Corbett last month restored 80 full-time counseling positions.

But it also led to 40 additional assistant principals, teachers, secretaries and other workers being called back, as well.

Here's a breakdown of which positions were restored, from an email Superintendent William R. Hite Jr. sent on Friday to district principals:

19 Assistant Principals, assigned to Bache-Martin, Bartram, Franklin Learning Center, Furness, Kelly, McDaniel, Mastbaum, Meehan, Military Academy, Martin Luther King, Morton, Northeast, Randolph, Roosevelt, Sayre, Sheridan, HS of the Future, West Philadelphia and Willard

6 Teachers, assigned to Saul, Hunter, AMY/James Martin, Arthur and Martha Washington

5 Secretaries, assigned to Central, Dobbins, Frankford, Harding, Washington High

5 School Operations Officers, assigned to Lincoln, Masterman, and Swenson; one shared between Fels and Frankford; and one for Learning Network 5 schools

3 Conflict Resolution Specialists, assigned to Carver, Martin Luther King and Morrison

2 Lead Teachers, assigned to Meade and Robeson

The positions were restored beginning this week. Hite said that decisions were made on which employees to recall "in collaboration with principals and assistant superintendents after a district-wide review."

The $45 million also paid for funding athletics and music for the rest of the year and "one-on-one support to our neediest students." Some will pay for things like AP and IB programs and credit recovery.

Another part of the money - $10 million - was set aside for charter payments. This has proven controversial, with advocates saying the state money is desperately needed in district-run schools and none of it should go to charters. District officials say that it appears a higher-than-expected number of students enrolled in city charters this year, and since they're bound by state law to make payments to charters, the set aside is appropriate.

Hite, in his email to principals, noted that "many priorities across the district remain unaddressed," and that with "our labor partners" he hoped to fund more positions "that will reduce split classes and class sizes, and provide additional academic resources and student supports to increase academic outcomes." That's an allusion to the unresolved Philadelphia Federation of Teachers contract. The district is banking on millions in concessions from the PFT, but the contract deadline has come and gone with no agreement. The union says its members have already made sacrifices and will not take responsibility for others' mistakes.

Folks in schools or who interact with schools - what are some other urgent needs still left unmet in your school?