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Lil Bub is back for the holidays in her hour-long yule log video

When “perma-kitten” Lil Bub entered the internet’s consciousness in November of 2011, she quickly stole our hearts. Now, she’s back with a festive one-hour yule log video to give us the happiest of holidays.

When "perma-kitten" Lil Bub entered the internet's consciousness in November of 2011, she quickly stole our hearts. Now, she's back with a festive one-hour yule log video to give us the happiest of holidays.

Hang-tounged and cooing, Lil Bub gets cozy in front of a crackling fire and stays there. For an hour.  The result is one of the most adorable, relaxing things going on the internet today, and while it won't heat up the room your in, it'll definitely warm your heart. I mean, just look at her.

"Loop it on your screen, and let Bub warm your home with science and magic this holiday season," reads Lil Bub's site. Things that also warm your home? Lil Bub's full line of swag.

It's almost like you've got a Bub of your very own. But, of course, that will never happen—save for a Christmas miracle.

Cozy up with Bub below:

Can't see the video? Click here.
