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9/11 truther runs on stage during Malcolm Smith press conference, says what 9/11 truthers say

Super Bowl MVP Malcolm Smith was answering the normal post-Super Bowl questions at his press conference when a guy ran on stage, grabbed the microphone, and startled the hell out of him.

His message was made all the stranger by the context of Seahawks' coach Pete Carroll's interests.

How the man, 30-year-old Matthew Milles, got to this point, is something of a travesty:

"Around Mills' neck was an old credential from a festival he covered, a rectangular badge that, at quick glance, didn't look too dissimilar from the ones issued to media members, team employees and others who worked the Super Bowl.

He also used a common refrain whenever hassled by security, which is supposed verify each credential or ticket with a barcode along with putting attendees through other security screenings.

'I just said I was running late for work and I had to get in there,' Mills said. 't was that simple.'"