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We Ain't Heard No Bell Yet

Posted 01/11/2006 08:53:39 AM
Isn't Rocky from Kensington and not South Philly?
Daniel Rubin
Posted 01/11/2006 09:09:51 AM
Well, this is meat for a good discussion. IMBD( says South Philly. We know he returns there with Adrian and the little Rocky in Rocky V. According to, there's a Rocky II goof where he's walking home from the Spectrum, but they show him under the Market-Frankford El is shown. And to make matters murkier, the house they used as Chez Balboa was at 1818 Tusculum St. in Kensington, indeed.
Posted 01/11/2006 09:16:44 AM
This is my favorite comment (even better than the guy who spells it "Rocky Baloba"), from the first Rocky Blog post: "Here is the deal. My name is Rodney. I am from Greenland. I have seen every Rocky movie once, and only once. Because each experience was SO good that I don't want to ruin my memories of the amazing movie by seeing it again and again and again. NO. ONLY ONCE, I said, WHEN I saw the first one, and I am sticking to it. The Rocky Movies are excellent films -- the five greatest films ever -- but they are to be viewed only once by me and I shall relive them in my memories forever. Sly I am excited to see Rocky 6 once AND ONLY once. and Hopefully I will see Rocky 7 and also Rockies 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 as well!"
Posted 01/11/2006 09:20:55 AM
Good detective work there.
Daniel Rubin
Posted 01/11/2006 09:22:38 AM
I remember being in Montenegro the summer of 2000, as war with Milosevic loomed. The late night tv in the apartment I rented carried a station named Pink, and between turbo folk videos and dismal adult features, it played Rocky movies with Serbo-Croatian subtitles. He's tapped into something universal.
Posted 01/11/2006 09:25:14 AM
If I can change, then yous can change, we can all change.
Daniel Rubin
Posted 01/11/2006 09:35:16 AM
"If I can change, then yous can change, we can all change."

try translating THAT into Serbian.
Posted 01/11/2006 10:56:45 AM
Nice Ivan Drago reference. Very cool. If you want to laugh, there's a great Drago parody by satirist Rob Bloom, it's here: