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Let Freedom Ringtone

If we weren't already seen in some quarters as the 21-Days-For-John-Stinkin'-Kerry Inquirer we'd feel better about linking to what every freedom-loving American should have on his or her cellphone:

The George Bush ringtone.

They're available on WFMU's Beware of the Blog. And they're free.

Yes, friends, you too can be alerting to incomings with such classics as:

"I know the human being and fish can coexist peacefully."

Or the currently-taught-at-Georgetown-and-Tufts:

"My answer to that question is, is that, again, I repeat what I said earlier, heh, the, the, uhm, heh, y'know, we were shooting cruise missiles, and, heh, they dont protect us from killers. Uh, y'know, as I say, you're, you're catching me totally fresh, hah, uh gosh, I, y'know, I, I would, I, heh, the, the, uhm, heh."

(We thank Akkam's Razor for the tip.)

Posted 05/24/2006 06:45:30 PM
We have a system that lets users mix George Bush's voice with a bunch of hip hop beats so can can create your own Bush Ringtones (and really your own Bushisms too..)
Choose the RAP style
Your phone needs to support Mp3 ringtones.
First download is free..