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Why does eating beets turn my pee and poop red? Are there any health concerns with this?

Why does eating beets turn my pee and poop red? Are there any health concerns with this?

Why does eating beets turn my pee and poop red? Are there any health concerns with this?

Mervyn D. Danilewitz, MD, FACG, AGAF, Chief of Gastroenterology, Mercy Philadelphia Hospital

The beetroot pigment called betanin is responsible for the red coloring in urine and feces and this should not cause any health concerns.

Some people cannot break the pigment down and this results in excretion of the pigment in urine and feces.The rest of the beetroot is digested and no nutrients should be lost. This usually lasts 48 hours, but it can vary in people who have a slow or faster rate of passing feces. It also depends on amount of fluids one drinks.