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Weight-loss lessons from a dietitian’s favorite reads

My clients often ask me if I can suggest books that will help them on their weight-loss journey. After contemplating the vast amount of nutrition books available to the public, I've put together three of my favorite reads that have influenced the way I counsel my clients, plus the weight loss strategies you'll learn from them.

» READ MORE: The Little Book of Thin

This witty and fun weight-loss read will help you figure out what really works for you, in the long term. The Little Book of Thin is comprised of 14 easily readable chapters that outline skill sets for weight loss in everyday circumstances such as an entire section devoted to at-home menu selections with easy to make recipes.

The Little Book of Thin begins with the "10 Steps to Svelte" — essentially the golden rules for weight loss success according to Slayton.  Some of her rules, which I highly support, include: eating a protein breakfast within two hours of waking up, consuming four fish meals a week, enjoying only one fruit daily, sleeping seven hours a night, and getting 180 minutes of cardio a week.

Slayton also tackles how to dine out on a diet. Simplifying this common weight-loss barrier, Slayton suggests eating something small, such as organic string cheese, 10 walnut halves or asparagus (which helps your body metabolize alcohol) before going out to dinner to offset overindulgence. She also encourages individuals to streamline menu options by narrowing choices down to only the fish offerings. Another savvy rule of thumb for dining out is the golden rule: 1 of 4 NO MORE. This recommendation highlights the four problem areas when dinging out: bread, booze, dinner carbs, and dessert. Pick your pleasure; choose only 1 to enjoy your dining experience while saving your waistline.

» READ MORE: The Blood Sugar Solution, 10-Day Detox Diet

Not all detoxes are created equal.  Dr. Mark Hyman's book creates a solution for weight loss by introducing long-term, sustainable habits. The premise of this book is to eliminate all foods, drinks and habits that increase your blood sugar level. Increased blood sugar levels cause your body to store everything you eat as dangerous belly fat. Hyman's detox decreases insulin levels and stimulates your body's natural fat burning ability through a 10-day detox that is high in protein and fat and completely void of sugar or processed foods.

Rules to live by from this book:

  1. Don't pour on the pounds: Eliminate all liquid sweeteners from your diet immediately.

  2. Minimize products containing flour: These products are really just another form of sugar, i.e. bread, pasta, crackers, rice, cookies etc.

  3. Pack on protein, especially at breakfast: By replace bagels with eggs, you'll speed up your metabolism and balance out your blood sugar.

  4. Go green: Build your meals around vegetables then protein.

  5. Don't fear fat: "Healthy fats help you lose weight and feel more satisfied, including nuts and seeds, olive oil, avocado, coconut butter and omega-3s," Hyman writes.

  6. Eat foods that improve your gut function: Inflammation damages your metabolism, affects how your brain controls your appetite and creates insulin resistance. Eat pumpkin seeds, kale, tomatoes, salmon, chicken, and bok choy for increased gut function.

If this sounds complicated, its not. This book makes this new way of eating easily approachable by providing readers with detailed sample menus along with recipes.

» READ MORE: The Skinny Rules: The Simple, Non-Negotiable Principles for Getting to Thin

"The Biggest Loser" trainer Bob Harper has helped contestants shed thousands of pounds through his effective weight-loss advice.  With so much conflicting advice out there, it's no wonder why people haven't been successful at losing weight and keeping it off.  Harper clears any confusion with 20 straightforward "Skinny Tips". When I found this book two years ago, I instantly started taking notes to apply to my counseling. Some of the rules may be hard to adapt to — like rule No. 18 "Go to Sleep Hungry" — but then there are others like No. 20 "Plan One Splurge Meal a Week" that make his system more applicable.

Here are my favorite "Skinny Tips'" from Harper's book:

No. 14: Eat a Real Breakfast: This is a no brainer. Research continues to prove over and over again that people who skip breakfast are more likely to eat too many calories later in the day. Harper suggests eating oatmeal (STAY AWAY FROM BOXED CEREAL), eggs or Greek yogurt (a great source of healthy bacteria for your GI system) for breakfast to stay lean.

No. 20 Plan One Splurge Meal a Week: A whole cheat day is going to send you completely out of whack, but if you have a splurge meal once a week it can get you through the rough days. Harper asks his readers to schedule their splurge meal (within reason, of course). But Harper suggest you wait to schedule your splurge meal until you have completed two weeks of following his rules. He also asks readers to write down the calorie count of the meal before they eat it to help them stay mindful.

No. 7 No Carbs After Lunch: Harper tells his readers to eat most of their carbohydrates (fruit, dairy and starches) in the morning and focus on eating proteins and vegetables in the afternoon. His reason behind this is that carbohydrates are essentially sugar, and sugar cues the pancreas to make more insulin, which in turn triggers your appetite. If you consume carbohydrates later in the day, you'll be more likely to continue to crave them late at night. Follow rule No. 7 to finally break away from late night snacking.


Read more Goal Getter for healthy eating, weight loss and more.