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Fumo's new 100 percent taxpayer-supported lifestyle

Ronnie Polanezky has a good column today, but....

OPM paid Fumo's Senate lackeys to drive his summer-vacation luggage to Martha's Vineyard. And it paid for yachting excursions with friends, business buddies and political cronies.

Yesterday, a dozen of those Other People delivered Vince Fumo his long-overdue bill for using Other People's Money: 137 guilty verdicts.

The headline for this on now reads "Fumo no longer living off OPM." Talk about getting it 100 percent wrong! For the next 10 years, Fumo's lifestyle will be completely suppported by the taxpayers. In fact, incarcerating Fumo during that time will cost taxpayers tens of thousands of dollars every year. But this is one "bailout" -- of Philadelphia politics -- that I think most of us will willingly pay for.