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Everybody should visit a mosque

Why not McCain?

Since this is Bash Barack Obama Week here at Attytood, one more thing: He really should visit a mosque, sooner rather than later, and -- in a bit of nobody-asked-me advice from an old poly-sci major -- probably in Michigan, the swing state with the largest Islamic population.

But one thing that's weird about the converage, including the prominent story in today's New York Times, is how come nobody is calling for John McCain to visit a mosque during the campaign, especially since he was the candidate who told Beliefnet that America should have a Christian president?

Remember, though, that political pandering to the Muslim-American community tends to be pretty meaningless. No candidate has ever pandered more for their votes...than George W. Bush, who promised in 2000 to end the use of "secret evidence" against Arab immigrants, received hundreds of thousands of Arab-American votes, and then became the President of Gitmo.