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Can Comcast suddenly make itself "hip"?

Uh, no:

I just don't think this is a category where warm, fuzzy emotions come into play. I want my cable, Internet, and phone to work. That's all. And, among people I know, Comcast has developed a reputation for … not working. My own time in Comcast's clutches was a continuous nightmare of outages and dreadful customer service, which ended only when I switched to a different provider. Based on my experience, Comcast Town would be a wasteland of flickering streetlights and crumbling apartment blocks. It would be populated solely by fat repairmen, who would stare listlessly at their clipboards and tell you they're still not quite sure why your cable's snowy.

This ad does nothing to convince me that things have changed at Comcast. Nor, apparently, has it convinced the above-quoted Laurie G., who says she loves the ads and yet continues to hate the company. If this is an attempt to reboot the brand—to sweep away any bad associations and replace them with a sunny new corporate personality—it fails. It's just not credible that people would be so happy with their Comcast service that they'd break into song.

Read the whole article, inspired by (ugh) this: